Names made into mazes. Would you like your name or grandchildren names made into printable word mazes? Simply contact us with the form on top of this page for this free maze design service! Recommended are shorter names with around 3 to 4 letters in the word as they make the best mazes when printed with the fit to one page setting.
2 photos, la dernière a été ajoutée le 06 Septembre 2017 Album visualisé 307 fois
21 photos, la dernière a été ajoutée le 22 Novembre 2017 Album visualisé 326 fois
8 albums sur 1 page (s)
Photos aléatoires
Letter Nvu 16543 foisFree large letter N for kids to color.
Hard B Maze Challengevu 1227 foisThe B letter maze is a fun challenge for older kids - the younger kids may need your help with this one.
Zackvu 161 foisZack name maze. The name Zack means remembered by God.
Mikevu 151 foisMike's name maze.
Maze Unavu 122 foisName maze for Una.
Easy Rectangle Mazevu 163 foisEach maze is made with a lot of work from tiny squares so be sure to enjoy our free maze collection including this easy maze for kids.
Almost a Medium Mazevu 94 foisAlthough James created this to be a medium maze it is a bit on the simple side and we are including it in the easy maze section.
Fun Maze for the Kidsvu 126 foisEnjoy this easy maze for the kids!
Derniers ajouts
New Maze by Kelsivu 477 foisKelsi made this maze for her fourth grade classmates at school.04 Février 2022
Large Mazevu 610 foisLarge mazes take longer to make including this fun maze the 16th by Kelsi.08 Janvier 2021
Easy Maze is the 15th by Designer Kelsivu 398 foisThis may be an easier maze for young children if at the beggining the start is looked at carefully.05 Janvier 2021
Very Easy Maze for the Kiddosvu 231 foisEnjoy Kelsi's 14th maze making it very easy for the young kids.03 Janvier 2021
Easy Printable Maze For Kidsvu 218 foisAnother one of our fun easy printable mazes created by Kelsi for the kids.15 Décembre 2020
Easy Printable Maze For Beginnersvu 232 foisA fun printable maze for beginners which is an easy maze designed again by Kelsi.09 Avril 2020
Large Mean Maze by Kelsivu 288 foisKelsi wanted to make a maze from this large grid where the grid is 58 rows tall and 41 rows wide so 2,378 squares to fill in. Kelsi converted the 2,378 squares into this large maze working diligently at it for several days. Mean maze because if you go down the wrong trail you will keep on going and going but just call it the second place finish line.07 Avril 2020
Kelsi's Easy Mazesvu 273 foisThe corona virus is keeping us inside and I think you will have more fun with Kelsi's easy mazes as I make them harder than her.01 Avril 2020