
Printable Birthday Maze 293 viewsFun birthday challenge for older kids and adult birthday parties.

BOY Maze154 viewsIts a Boy word maze

DAD163 viewsDad Maze

Garage Retreat Maze135 viewsLarge word mazes are not as easy to fit to printer settings on single pages but maze enthusiasts can have lots of fun with this one per request from the Garage Retreat Forum.

Garage Word Maze135 viewsGarage word maze made for a garage retreat forum.

Girl147 viewsIts a Girl Maze

GRANDMA144 viewsGrandma and Grandpa mazes are created with the first four letters being the same maze so feel free to cheat and look at the others printable maze :-)

GRANDPA214 viewsThis Grandpa maze as well as most of our printable word mazes are created to be a pretty hard fun challenges.

Printable Happy Birthday Maze Challenge353 viewsFree Happy Birthday fun with this super challenge maze for adults and older kids. Check your printer preview settings for the large words. View our number mazes also to go along with your happy birthday like our number 9 for a new nine year old.

Printable Happy Maze155 viewsWill this printable maze make you happy? It will be a fun challenge.

JAMES148 viewsThe word James as a printable maze.

James Mazes266 viewsThe words James Mazes as printable mazes.