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Very Hard Maze Grid Maze 2670 viewsIn our very hard maze grid there are 2,378 squares that are to be turned into paths to create challenging mazes for you. This is maze number 2 with this very hard format.      (2 votes)

Free Y to y Maze669 viewsEasy letter Y to y maze.     (2 votes)

K to k maze501 viewsEasy K to k printable letter maze.      (2 votes)

A to a Letter Maze785 viewsConnect the capital letter A to the lower case a easy maze.      (2 votes)

Number 8 Maze1043 viewsCarefully watch your start and get on the right trail of this printable number eight maze.      (2 votes)

Printable letter E maze1651 viewsThe letter E maze is a bit difficult. Be sure to challenge yourself and go from start to finish only. If you run completely stuck the maze in reverse is not as hard.      (2 votes)

James Maze Four442 viewsThe fourth maze by James is the first maze done with out any help other than correcting 5 minor mistakes.      (2 votes)

R to r Maze454 viewsLetter R to r easy kids maze for free.     (2 votes)

James Maze Two473 viewsPrintable maze two      (2 votes)

Very Hard Maze Grid Maze Number 4539 viewsCan you see the word James? Very hard 2,378 square maze grid maze.      (3 votes)

W to w Maze559 viewsEasy W to w kids letter maze for free.     (2 votes)

2,378 Grid Hard Maze 5506 viewsIs the word James in this very hard maze grid maze number 5?      (1 votes)