James Mazes

Free printable mazes

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James Maze Five469 viewsNice job on maze five James. This is the second maze James made completely by himself with Dad fixing only a few minor mistakes.
M to m Letter Maze468 viewsEasy M and m free letter maze.
Easy Easy Maze with Silly Maze (James Maze Nine)468 viewsJames took days and days or was it weeks on this silly maze because he was more interested in designing artwork instead of making the maze. Very nice silly artwork however! I wonder if he knows that Finish does not spell fish.
James Maze Seven462 viewsJames maze seven has a hard twist. His second maze with no mistakes found - Excellent work!
R to r Maze454 viewsLetter R to r easy kids maze for free.
James Maze Six452 viewsThis is the first maze done by James completely by himself with no mistakes. Great job!
Easy I to i Maze446 viewsI can see more than one I in this free printable letter maze for kids.
James Maze Four442 viewsThe fourth maze by James is the first maze done with out any help other than correcting 5 minor mistakes.
6 Pointed Star Maze441 viewsThis six pointed star maze considering the shape and size of the maze is pretty hard.
L to l letter maze437 viewsEasy kids maze leading from capital L to lower case l.
Free V to v Maze428 viewsFree V to v easy letter maze for kids.
U to u Maze419 viewsEasy printable U to u letter maze.
360 files on 30 page(s) 9