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Easy Easy Maze with Silly Maze (James Maze Nine)468 viewsJames took days and days or was it weeks on this silly maze because he was more interested in designing artwork instead of making the maze. Very nice silly artwork however! I wonder if he knows that Finish does not spell fish.

A to a Letter Maze785 viewsConnect the capital letter A to the lower case a easy maze.

B to b Letter Maze519 viewsEasy capital B to lower case b letter maze.

C to c Maze519 viewsCan you see letters in these easy mazes? Look closely in this Capital C to lower case c maze and the rest of our easy letter mazes.

Case192 viewsThe name Case as a maze for printing.

Casey193 viewsThe Casey Maze.

Cassi190 viewsThe Cassi name maze.

The Cassidy Maze153 viewsFeel special Cassidy because two mazes are made especially for you. This one the lines start to get a little small so I also made another two line Cassidy maze that is easier to see.

Cassidy125 viewsThe name Cassidy is just a little long to fit in a page comfortably so I tried this version to make the letters larger. It does help to make the maze letters bigger for sure.

Chase155 viewsChase your way to the finish.

Clara131 viewsThe Clara name as a maze to print.

Easy D Maze543 viewsCapital D leads to lower case d in this easy printable maze for kids.